Designing A Module In Entrepreneurship For Product Design Students

Creative problem-solving has been identified as one of the most critical future-proof skills we can develop in our society. Entrepreneurship skills are now considered essential when educating future designers; however, designers find it difficult to establish themselves as entrepreneurs. Therefore, graduate designers increasingly need these skills to complement their creative abilities.

This paper offers information to academic institutions looking to implement entrepreneurship modules in existing design and creative programmes. The paper seeks to understand the entrepreneurship skills required for product design graduates through a case study. Current teaching practice is described, and interviews and co-design sessions with relevant stakeholders are conducted to inform future entrepreneurship education for product design students. From these findings, a module descriptor entitled ‘Entrepreneurship for Designers’ was created for an existing programme and delivered through both practice and theory. This module is intended to provide an understanding of the entrepreneurship process and to offer students the confidence to pursue design-related ventures post-graduation.

The full research paper can be downloaded here:

Recommended citation: White, P.J., & Kennedy, C. (2021). Designing A Module In Entrepreneurship For Product Design Students. Industry and Higher Education pg. 1–10. doi:10.1177/09504222211013742.