
Con Kennedy appointed an internal reviewer for the BA in Early Childhood Education

22nd February 2021

Con Kennedy appointed internal educational reviewer for the BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Education at the TU Dublin School of Social Sciences, Law and Education..


TU Dublin 10th Annual Graduate Research Symposium

15th November 2019

Con Kennedy will present his "Design as Entrepreneurship: Towards a Design-Specific Entrepreneurship Framework" research—a poster and oral presentation, TU Dublin 10th Annual Graduate Research Symposium November 2019.


Con Kennedy Visits BGD

15th April 2019

Con Kennedy commences a two-week visit to the Gengdan Institute, part of the Beijing University of Technology, China. While in Beijing, Con will deliver a five-credit module to second-year students on the BA in Visual Communication Design and participate in several cultural exchanges.


Con Kennedy in Beijing

Zig Zag Seat

30th August 2018

Zig Zag Seat is a public realm project designed by Con Kennedy and Barry Sheehan in conjunction with A Playful City and engineer Loscher Moran.

See: https://www.conkennedy.com/zig-zag-seat


Design Management Institute: 2018 ADMC Conference

1st August 2018

Con Kennedy will deliver a paper entitled "Creativity’s Risk to Design" at the 21st Design Management Institute: Academic Design Management Conference, Ravensbourne College of Art, London, UK.


Design Research Society Conference

25th June 2018

Con Kennedy will deliver a paper on a proposed Design Entrepreneurship Framework - Design Research Society Conference & PhD By Design, University of Limerick, Limerick, 25th-28th June 2018.


EURAM: Research in Action Conference

19th June 2018

Con Kennedy will present a paper entitled "Understanding the Utilisation of Entrepreneurial Processes in Communication Design Enterprises" at the European Academy of Management conference at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik.


Design Principles and Practices: No Boundaries Design Conference

5th March 2018

Con Kennedy will present a paper titled "Toward a Design-led Entrepreneurship Framework" at the 12th Annual Design Principles and Practices Conference at ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Spain.


Dr Con Kennedy at the Design Principles and Practices Conference 2018

Con Kennedy Appointed Visiting Professor of Design to the Beijing University of Technology

1st March 2018

Con Kennedy was appointed a visiting design professor at the Gengdan Academy of Design, part of the Beijing University of Technology, China. As part of an international panel of design experts and visiting professors, Con will deliver visual communication design modules to recruit Chinese students to complete their design degrees at TU Dublin.


Dr Con Kennedy, Visiting Professor with students from the Visual Communication Design programme at Gengdan Academy of Design, Beijing University of Technology, China.

7th Annual DIT Postgraduate Research Symposium

2nd February 2017

Con Kennedy will present his research "Does the Model of Lean Startup Entrepreneurship Apply to Visual Communication Practices?". A poster and Oral Presentation 7th Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium, DIT, Focas Research Institute, February 2017.


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