
Design and Research - G6 Series November 2014

3rd November 2014

Con Kennedy will take part in a discussion on the relationship between design and research. This free public talk is part of the G6 Series and hosted in DIT Grangegorman as part of Design Week.


The Reading Room Exhibition

1st August 2014

The Reading Room is an exhibition of design artefacts hosted by Pivot Dublin. It features books belonging to prominent Irish designers. Con Kennedy has donated a copy of Eric Gill's 1931 book An Essay on Typography.

The exhibition is open to the public at Film Base, Temple Bar.

See: http://www.dublincityarchitects.ie/working-on-the-pivot-dublin-reading-room/


Con Kennedy Appointed to Validation Panel at Dublin Institute of Design

15th July 2014

Con Kennedy was appointed to the review panel for the Dublin Institute of Design’s Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design.


59th Annual Conference of the International Council for Small Business

11th June 2014

Con Kennedy will present at the Doctoral Symposium on “Profiting from Visual Communication: Turning Design Practitioners into Entrepreneurs”.


Con Kennedy Appointed to Validation Panel at Cork Institute of Technology

23rd April 2014

Con Kennedy was appointed to the review panel for the Cork Institute of Technology’s Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Graphic Design and Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Multimedia Design


Con Kennedy Appointed to Validation Panel at Griffith College Dublin

7th April 2014

Con Kennedy was appointed to the review panel for Griffith College Dublin’s Bachelor of Arts in (Hons) Communication Design.


First Masters of Arts in Interaction Design Approved

6th March 2014

The validation panel has approved a new Master of Arts in Interaction Design for the design department at IT Carlow and will comment on student recruitment in September. Con Kennedy initiated and developed the programme and will act as programme chair. Con will also deliver several new modules on the programme, complementing IT Carlow's existing undergraduate design programmes. The panel approved this new MA programme without changes.


Navigating Next Models of Design Education Workshop

1st May 2013

Con Kennedy and other leading design educators will participate in the Navigating Next Models of Design Education workshop.

This workshop is part of the Pilots series, where creative, philosophical, scientific, medical, and political web lectures will be gathered from global educational institutions. The investigation and workshops aim to see how this knowledge can be used by a group of people collaborating on work within the physical gallery space.

The workshop will take place in the Science Gallery Dublin.

Pilots: Navigating Next Models of Design Education runs from 25 April – 25 May at the Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University, KT1, UK.


Work for Money, Design for Love

5th March 2013

Con Kennedy is featured in David Airey's latest book, "Work for Money, Design for Love." The book features contributions from over 70 of the world's leading professional designers and covers many topics related to professional design practice and running a design business.

See: https://www.davidairey.com/work-for-money-design-for-love


IDI Design Education Sub-Committee Chairperson

6th February 2013

Con Kennedy was appointed chairperson of the Education Sub-committee for the Institute of Designers in Ireland in 2013.


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